This is what I told Ben this morning. I have 4 or 5 things on my list that have been on my 'want' list for about 4-5 months now. Since the start, they are now a need. These include:
1. The perfect swimsuit that I found just the other day
2. Luggage (because the airplane guys ripped my duffle bag)
3. A small Point and shoot for little mini adventures (where I need to be sneaky.)
4. The perfect yellow dress. (this is hard to find, yet I am determined)
5. Summer garb.
Yes, my life is so hard.
In more important news, for the very first time in my life I'm PUMPED about a video game that came out yesterday. Ben and I can play together and it will be bliss. Portal, you are amazing.
I get to see my mom, my dad, my sister, my brother-in-law and all my sweet nephews this weekend; where I will squeeze them and may or may not tell them the Easter Bunny is dead and eat all their candy.
I get to celebrate the rising of my Savior.
I had an allergic reaction to something last night and I woke up with Angelina Jolie lips. Problem is they don't look sexy, they look like I sucked on a bottle way too long. My sister had an allergic reaction like this once. And I'm pretty sure I made fun of her...You reap what you sow I guess, even if I am reaping what I sowed some 10 years ago.
It dumped snow here in Minnesota. Cute.
My husband is sexy.
The end.
P.S. All you Easter bunny lovers, I was just kidding about the death of your fuzzy friend.. Don't send me hate mail
BRITTANYYYY. Portal 2? REALLY? NERD. Haha, kidding. But seriously. No, it's good that you embrace your nerdiness. More people should! Today I wore a Nerdfighter t-shirt and EVERYTHING.