My Oh My. Girl, You're Beautiful.





Sometimes Eowyn and I just spend time together making funny faces. I mimic her expressions and sounds, and she marvels and delights. This time, I decided to have my camera. I took a gazillion photos and a lot of them had part of her head chopped off,  blurry faces etc, as I rarely look through the viewfinder of my camera or she'll stare at it and stop smiling. Going through these pictures tonight, I was elated. Look at how beautiful this kid is!? Obviously every mom thinks that. I am no exception. Ben and I just sort of stared at these pictures after to she went to sleep. They make me laugh and get all gushy. I keep making Ben look at them again and again. "Just. Look. At. This. Kid!?" I love that she's ours.

This is Ben's favorite. He Calls it the "Whatchoo talking about Willis?" face.

We marvel. God did good. 

Happy Weekend!

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