Past 3 Years: Blog Reflection & An Invitation


Summer 2012 

Spring 2012

Fall 2011
Spring 2011
 Winter 2010

June 2010

We celebrated this blog's 3rd year of life sometime last June. Today, as I was organizing my files on my computer, it was fun to look how the headers have changed over the past 3 years. That first header was made in paint and took hours! Since things have gotten a bit easier as I've explored HTML with the help of my husband and have since acquired photoshop. If you're a regular follower on the blog, you'll realize that I've been making some major changes to the general look of "The Spragues" lately. Blog Design is a passion of mine, and has been a lot fun.

Something I thought was a bit interesting while looking at the images above was just how well these blog headers represent where we were at in our life over the past 3 years. That first header represented a busy time. I had just graduated college, had just  finished up two other jobs and was getting ready to be married. It was a ton of change, a ton of growth and you can catch glimpses of that. The next two headers still make me smile-transitioning into marriage was somewhat of a challenge. At the same time, it really was a time that Ben and I became 'we.' These two picture are two of those special ones that represented that for me.  We laughed and learned A LOT. And I got used to learning that I was a 'Sprague' and that Ben and Brittany belong in a sentence together.

Then comes the next one. This might be one of my favorites. We laughed a lot this past year. How I enjoyed that man! This captured the vulnerability and silliness that Ben and I were discovering in each other. This was a year marked by choosing grace towards each other  It also really represents our decision to plunge into celebrating this life we've been given.That decision is hopefully reflected in this blog.

You can see a sort of cohesion form as the years have progressed. Things have gotten more rich, and yet more simple in our marriage and I think this blog reflects that.  The last and current header is intentionally simple. I decided to move away from the busy-ness my headers often had and let the content itself do most of the talking. This design has been the first that both Ben and I have worked on together. For that reason its probably my favorite.

While developing a blog-book (publishing what I've already written), I've found myself naturally inclined to want to re-read certain posts and not include others in the book I'm forming. Because of that, I'm processing through what that means for content here in the first place.  I'm favoring more intentional posts about the happenings of our life and funny memories. Because of that, frequency of posts may decline, but content I suspect will become that much more enjoyable.

An Invitation:
I'll open it up to you all, as well. The whole point of this blog is to share life. Getting feedback is especially important rather than just having a one-way street. So, I'll throw this out there, Is there any specific things you'd like to see? Any thing you especially enjoy? Dislike?  Let me know. In that same breath, I'd love if you've been following along to let me know! Either follow along via email, google connect, blogloving, RSS, or just send me an email/comment! I'd love to get to know you and become pen pals. Any takers?

Sharing with you all has been a joy-especially with moving so far away from so many of you. It's given a sense of connection that I otherwise wouldn't have. As always, Thanks for reading!



  1. Read every one, dear. How is life going out in Colorado? We miss you!

  2. I told you this the other day but as I look at it again, MAN! I really like your new design=) It captures you so well. Seriously. Your blog shouts "Brittany!"

  3. Thanks Girl! Looking forward to seeing the new designs you come up with as well :D
