Girl Behind the Blog Link Up


Hi there friends,

Today I've gotten the pleasure of meeting several new bloggers through 5 oh Wifey's Link up: Girl Behind the Blog. While I was perusing through all of the new found blogs, I decided to join in on the fun.

I loved how I immediately started liking so many of the gals behind the videos when watching their intros. This week, the prompt was to introduce yourself, how long you've been blogging and what do you feel you've gained from being a part of the blogging community.

So for this gals first vlog ever: Hope you enjoy.

Its fun after watching to see how becoming a mom has made me a little distracted. BUBBLES!  Well, you get what you get eh?

Happy Friday! Stay Warm!

1 comment :

  1. Glad you decided to join us pretty lady! I love that we have been able to store all our memories on our blog too. Glad you linked up!
