AGM 2013


I always get excited for AGM every year. This year it was in Phoenix, which worked incredibly since Ben's family lives in the area. On Thursday last week we parted with the fam, and headed to the hotel that we'd be staying at. It was a lot of fun and especially fun seeing Eowyn feel grass, and play in the water.

Ben's parent's were gracious enough to watch eowyn overnight for the fancy banquet we had on friday. Everyone was asked to wear white for a diner en blanc. It was a lot of fun. and macaroons were involved. So thats always a win.

It was our first AGM with a babe, which took a bit of getting used to, but really was fun. We've got a bunch more travel skillz under our belt, and have learned how to share a room with a baby while not having to hide out on the balcony after 7:00pm. I got a few new freckles out of the deal and seeing Ben in a tux was (as anticipated) a very ideal situation.

I'm missing the sun already.