Arizona Family



A lot of gals' dream about their wedding, but very rarely do they think about their in-laws. I know I didn't really put much thought into it. Lucky for me, I scored on that bunch as well. I've got some awesome in-laws and love the rest of the family that comes with it. These women are especially a blessing and quite the skilled bunch. 

From altering my dress for the big evening at AGM (Ben's Aunt is a master seamstress, and oh my goodness! she does an excellent job,) to the outpour of wisdom, gifts, laughter and thoughtfulness from Ben's grandma and mom, I really do appreciate the culture of generosity and celebration this family has. They're  a bunch of teachers, so they know how to share their wisdom and stories. Eowyn has a lot of solid women to look to. And I'm really happy about that fact. Thank you women for living your lives the way you have and then being so willing to share. 

Plus! Its this pretty lady's birthday today! Cheers to being a hott grandma. Eowyn thanks you for your genes. You're radiant. Happy Birthday, Julie. We love you.

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