Life Lately...


...Thank you for all the kind responses to my blog post yesterday. I'm thankful that I do have this platform where we can be transparent with our friends and family. Your kind words affirmed the appropriateness of vulnerability. So for that, I thank you.

...The weather is phenomenal! Me and the girl are going outside several times a day and are loving it. Collecting leaves. Waving at the doggies, and trees. Fall in minnesota is a good life. Ben and I go on a walk in the evening and its such a treasured time for us. Being outside is such a great way for me to hear Ben's heart, and in my morning walks, I can rest my soul the most. It only makes sense to me that I find God easiest in the cool of the day. I think He's just a much a fan as I am.

...We've got a wedding (Holla!) Ren Fest & a Birthday bash to attend this weekend. So PUMPED. Dancing? Turkey Legs? Sword Fighting? Amazing Brunches? We're in.

...Two months in and we still are die-hard Costco fans. thanks to all my friends who answered all my questions about if its really worth it. We love that place. I recently purchased the best coat of my life in our anticipation for some cold winters, along with the churros...Seriously. We feast on samples.

...Speaking of Costco, They sell my favorite bulk chai concentrate. What?!? I've been a happy, HAPPY lady this fall. Ben is pleased that I don't keep hitting up the bou, and I'm happy that I still have fun money left over at the end of the month because of it.

...Eowyn has TWO TEETH SPROUTING. Our 14 month old finally has some bottom teeth evident to the rest of the world (well, kinda...if you look really close.) There are four up top making little mountains out of her gums-but no sign of whites yet. She's also officially crawling like a normal baby (not army crawl) and standing up by use of walls and the like. She's been walking with assistance for a while, but still is terrified of being left alone while standing-perhaps because a kid-friend stood her up and thought she could stand, and she sort of face planted. Never the less, she's done a risk-assessment and decided its not worth it for now. She does cruise around furniture though which is super exciting. She's in that crawl all over you phase, which is both fun and erm...not fun. She LOVES books. So we've hit up the library and are bringing buckets full every week. She loves flipping through the pages and pointing to all the faces. She listens long enough for me to actually read them. She says "uh-oh" "Dada" "duck" (weird, I know. Ben taught her.) "Two" (like when we count One, Two, Three and throw her in the air. Its a bit muffled, but the intonation is the same and its adorable.) She's a big fan of waving at friends, and she officially knows how to say "More, Please" "All Done" "Eat" and "Yes" in sign/face movements. Oh, and she does high fives and eskimo kisses. My heart bursts.

We're working on the fist pump. Oh and saying "mama." I think she doesn't do it on purpose.

...Oh, anyone that knows how to crochet baby hats, contact me. I want to learn how to make this delicious little guy. Teach me your ways-and how to make it for a bigger baby head

...This season is a really good season. Its a giant season of waiting-which has its days of being not okay-but there has come this deep understanding of Ben and I to each other that's been super peaceful. Its just good to be known. I'm so glad God made marriage-just the idea of having someone to face life with is such a good one.  Thanks God.

...We've started watching Doctor Who. People, its invading my dreams.

...Eowyn is still a ham. Always and forever.

May your friday be filled with joy and your weekend even fuller.

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