
It's Valentine's Day. And as cheesy and cliché as it is to do a full internet love proclamation to my wife, that's exactly what I'm going to do!

Brittany. Oh, Brittany! You are so incredible! You are such an amazing wife, it's so hard to find words to describe it. You are the epitome of the biblical helper and advisor. You consistently point me back to Christ when I get big-headed and you have a way of doing so with grace and love that doesn't completely leave me deflated.

You play nerdy games with me and actually enjoy doing it! I love that I can share my interests with you. And I love that you can share your interests with me. I love looking through all the photographs of us, and I love that I can take some decent pictures of you. You're a great teacher of photography! And you have the photoshop skills to make them even better.

I've witnessed you in grief over the last year. I can honestly say on this side of it, that if I had to go through it, I wouldn't want to go through it with anyone else. Thank you for letting me move towards you through all the crap we went through this last year. And thank you for waiting patiently as we approach our potential move. I know it has been hard, but I truly believe it has been worth it.

Now, to my second love on earth, Eowyn. It's appropriate that we named you that because of the sheer epicness of the 19 months that you have been on earth. You make us laugh and sometimes make us cry. You give us a run for our money with some of your wails in Target, but then you fill our hearts as you cuddle with us right before bed. You are an artistic soul and I look forward to seeing the art you create, either through music, theatre, paintings, or writings. I'm excited to get to lead you over the next 20 years and witness your life thereafter.

And to my two loves that I never got to meet on earth. I hope you're having fun in Heaven! I won't lie, I'm a little jealous of you getting to hang out with Jesus. I can't wait to meet you and pray that God holds you tightly for me.

All this being said, to those other readers of our blog, this is not just a one-time, Feb 14 thing. This love is a daily ACT, a verb, a moving towards those around you, a choice that is made every morning, even and especially when you don't feel like it. This day is NOT only for those romantic lovers out there. It is a day to celebrate the love you have for all people around you. And as True Believers, we strive to love all that come across our path. Take today to tell people you sincerely love them!

We love you all!


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